Winter Flameless Candle Collection


We have a nice variety of realistic flameless candles available for the Winter season–all are SCENTED, as well!


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SKU: WinterFlameless Categories: , , ,


We have several styles of Flameless candles for Christmas thru Winter that will fit anywhere in your home.

We added a little of our “Herbal Star” creative touch to them with natural glitter and snow and they are also SCENTED!!!

For use the timer setting, just turn it on at whatever time you would like it to come on: for example, 5 pm.  At 5 pm every nite, it will come on by itself, and then go off at 11pm, and do the same thing the next day. (instructions are included)

Great to give as gifts for those who cannot burn candles but want to enjoy some scent and a festive touch with no flame.